Acne is the name of a chronic and inflammatory condition of the skin. The spots and pimples on different parts of the body are some essential causes of acne. The main types of acne are blackheads, pimples, and whiteheads. In the US, acne is the most common condition of the skin. Due to acne, more than 50 million American residents are affected. It can occur at any stage of the age and it can leave some scars on the skin. To write an assignment about the effects of acne on the teenager’s life, a student can get help from experts of assignment writing services. Acne can affect a teenager’s life in the following way;
1) Acne can make a teenager feel depressed
Either your acne is mild or severe, you will feel depressed. During teenager, you will feel more depression and anxiety. Its reason is that during this stage of the age, a person takes more care of his skin than other stages. The only way to get rid of this depression is to contact with an expert. If you don’t contact with an expert, then your acne will last for a long time. Moreover, teenagers also face greater social stigma due to acne.
2) Acne can impact the social life of the teenagers
It is a common observation that there is a great emphasis of our society on the appearance of a person. That’s why every teenager is too keen about his appearance. The face is the main part of a body that is shown to the people and the acne typically appears on the face. In other words, we can say that acne can impact our face. The acne can become a cause of uncomforting and embarrass for the teenagers and the teenagers feel shame and guilt while showing his face before the people. Due to shame and guilt, a person can ignore many things like he ignores the pose for a family picture and some people are not able to maintain eye contact with others.
3) Acne can impact the relationship building
The teenager is the perfect age to build relationships with the opposite gender. Due to acne, teenagers also face a lot of difficulties to build a relationship with the opposite gender. When other teenagers are building relationships, the teenagers who are facing some adverse effects of acne feel ashamed to go out. They become shy and they have a fear of negative appraisal from others. During the extreme case of acne, there is a fear of social phobia.
4) Acne can also impact the educational work
The teenagers who are facing acne do not go to school. As a result, they can face poor academic performance. The acne can also become a cause of reducing the career choices of a teenager. For example, he can’t join the profession of modelling. Its reason is that the main concern of this profession is relevant to the personal appearance of a person. During a job interview, the employees do not give preference to the people who are acne patients.